During my
weekly prenatal visits in the last month of my pregnancy my blood pressure has been consistently high, high enough for her to put me on bedrest as of last Friday. I was already restricted to work part time a couple of weeks ago to avoid any preterm labor.
On Friday morning I took my blood pressure when I woke and it was too high. I called my Ob/Gyn nurse and she told me to come in to see the doctor. Chad and I brought our overnight bags, including the Dude's diaper bag incase we were going to have the baby.
When we arrived to the doctor's office my blood pressure was still high. She checked my cervix and told us I have dilated 1.5 cm. She decided to admit me to the hospital's "Testing-Room" to run blood work and be monitored by a nurse, similar to the time
I was admitted to the labor & delivery at 27 weeks, but this area is catered to less severe pregnancy issues. The attending nurse we were given was so sweet and motherly, possibly a bit too motherly. She gave us great pediatrician advice, but she wasn't too happy that I had several tattoos. In the end, she wished us good luck and would try to visit us when the Dude is born.
All of my blood work came back negative and blood pressure finally was at a normal rate. However, I did have two contractions, but were very far apart to not worry. My Ob/Gyn came to visit me (at the end of the day) and that is when she told me to not go back to work and stay on bedrest until my due date, Nov. 1st. I have to admit I was so nervous and scared being at the hospital waiting for answers. But I am okay now enjoying the bedrest at home all weekend and the rest of this week.
I did rent some movies last night...
Alpha Dog,
Transformers, &