WOW!! How time goes by so fast...
On Thursday, Nov. 1st I delivered you successfully by a scheduled
caesarean section , scheduled meaning I could not deliver you natural because of the
myomectomy surgery I had last year to remove several
fibriod tumors. Right after you were born, your daddy introduced you to me and asked what we should call you besides The Dude. When I made eye contact with you I knew we were going to name you
Ari (pronounced R-E). Now we almost named you Jackson. Yeah, Jackson. You can ask your daddy about that one.
After our first meeting, they whisked you to meet the rest of your family waiting by the nursery and took me to a room to recover. While in the recovery room waiting for a private room. Your daddy came by to tell me the nurses were doing routine newborn tests followed by a fresh clean bath you didn't like at all. When we settled in our room they finally brought you to me. Oh, I was so over-whelmed with love. You looked so peaceful.
You were swaddled like a little burrito. My little burrito.
During the hospital stay I was heavily under pain medication. I was so worried I was not going to be as alert as I needed to be, but your daddy assured me that everything was going to be alright. He stayed with me even though the stay was very uncomfortable, but he made sure I was as comfortable as possible. He even set up the laptop for "movie night".
Since I couldn't get out of bed and not feeling very well, your daddy would change your diapers. The second diaper he ever changed, you decided to pee all over him and your hospital bed. We felt so awful, but could not help ourselves from laughing out loud and still do!
I was having a difficult time
breastfeeding you in the beginning. You didn't want to latch on properly or you'd fall asleep real quick. But with a couple of tips from the nursing staff and a visit with the hospital lactation specialist we managed.
On Sunday morning we were told by the pediatrician and doctor that we could be released from the hospital by lunch time. Your daddy and I were so excited and could not wait to go home as a
new family. We dressed you in the
yellow sailboat outfit your daddy wore when he was born. The first couple of days at home was already a predictable routine for us..... SLEEP DEPRIVATION. You would sleep and be fed every 2-3 hours with changing diapers ALOT! Though, you gave us a scare later that week. You were very unhappy and we did a list of everything we could do to make you happy.
*swaddle no swaddle
*change diaper
*change of clothes
*rocking chair
*sing to you
*pulled out the baby books!!!
...finally your daddy thought of skin on skin. When daddy put you on his warm chest you both fell asleep like sweet babies. Now your predictable routine is not predictable anymore. And it's okay.
You give us such joy by recognizing us when we talk to you in our high pitched voices. We like to think you understand when we ask what we can do for you whenever you cry, but it's us who don't understand you quite yet. And you can be so forgiving to us. You are so cute when we do
"tummy time" because you kick your baby legs so hard to push yourself to crawl.
I was very lucky your daddy was able to stay home with us from his work for the first three weeks. He is very supportive to me and has so much love for you. I am so happy we have you in our lives... Happy One Month to you Ari!