One year ago today was my first post to quick and to the pointless. I actually wanted to begin posting back in May/2005, but I did not own a good computer and I really did not have the extra time. As if, I have plenty of time now. NOT! I do try, though. And I have met some great bloggers along the way. I do like to thank goferboy for his tips & tricks and his humorous posts.
In the last year I managed to talk my husband, Chad into starting his own blog. The title speaks for itself, exile on blogspot. I am able to keep in touch with far away friends such as denver or bust. And keep up with what my friends post on their blogs.... fishtankonia gasoline dreams wilwheaton Okay. Wil is not my friend, but you get the idea.
I have recently picked up an awesome hobby of taking pictures. I was given a Nikon D80 DSLR for Christmas. So I will be spending most of the time with my camera and uploading pictures on my flickr-ahhhhh site. Yes, I want to be a [fun] amateur photographer when I grow up.
For those of you who I don't know out there in cyperspace. Thanks for visiting my blog. Drop me a line if you have some advice or just to say Hello. I enjoy meeting new bloggers... really I do.
I am a proud mommy of our baby, Miss. Chica. I received an email [via my flickr website] asking if Luvmutt dot com can feature Chica on their website. A website dedicated to mutts. What a great idea to be able to showcase the non-breed pooches, because they need attention too! WOOF-WOOF
We spent New Years in Austin to see PONG play at HOLE IN THE WALL. Jay and Rebecca joined us for the festivities with Will and Heather hanging out too... What a great time it was.
click here to view the event as a slideshow. I insist.