Do not let the book title fool you. It's beyond being 'just a geek'. It's
a collection of his blog entries. Wil Wheaton is a
brilliant writer and FUNNY too. I literally could not put this book down.
Visit his webblog; WWdN: In Exile
Long time, no see, or hear from the Cookster..... been kind of
I want to pass along the word of a local band, The Dimes. Jay,
Chad, & I saw them open for Linus Pauling Quartet at Rudyards a while back,
as Jay mentions here about the show. They've just released an EP on August
8th, says David A. Cobb, writer for Houston Calling website. I sure would
like to get my hands on that EP, but I can't figure out how to order it or
if it is even available to purchase. Their next show is at Walters on
Washington opening for The French Kiss on Sept. 22nd.